Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oden, Sorry about Nude Photos

Over the last few days rumors have been flying around internet land about a nude Greg Oden. What at first was said to be not true, took a turn today ladies. According to the Associated Press, Greg Oden has apologizes for the nude pictures that have made there way into cyberspace via a former girlfriend. Oden added that he was embarrassed by the photos that were taken about a year and ahalf ago.

The NBA, hasn’t been the best of rides for the big man, he’s out for this season after fracturing his left kneecap during a game against the Houston Rockets back in December, and he missed his rookie season after haveing microfracture surgery on his right knee.

source : http://tfoul.com/2010/01/27/oden-sorry-about-nude-photos/


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