Wednesday, February 3, 2010

State Of The State Address?

What did you think of the Governor's vision for Maryland, as laid out in the State of the State address?Our Governor has a good plan. The people just needs to support him. Ted of WestminsterIt all sounds good when you have a "politician" standing before stating what he wants for the state. However, it is another thing if they deliver. I would like for someone to write down everything that Governor O'Malley has stated and keep a score as they do in sports and see how many things actually happens and how the state prospers from it as he has "stated". There is where the true approval rating lies. Sandy/WoodlawnPlain and simple, the man is smoking crack! Nuff said..Off to DelawareI have a severe / profound Autistic son and was told the Gov. cut more (Disability) DDA $ than ever before, leaving the possibility for a lack of funds in his much needed adult placement. Are we facing another set of Reagan yrs episode where the severely mentally ill have no place to go? Don't insult our intelligence! That's not governing; in fact that's keeping their jobs secure, while the less fortunate wander aimlessly... Shame on you! Ms. G , Balto., MDSend your responses to and we'll read some of them on air at 6:45am.

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